Do you get stuck in overthinking loops?


Do you ever get stuck in an overthinking loop?

When you go over and over the same thoughts, and you just can’t seem to escape them?

You keep processing and re-processing the same thoughts again and again and again!

And you know you want to stop but you don’t know how.

FACT: The mind gets stuck in overthinking loops when it thinks there is a situation that feels unresolved or a problem that feels unsolved.

And while it can happen to any of us there are ways to break free from this mental merry-go-round and find some peace of mind.

So the next time you find yourself ruminating on the same thing over and over here are some things you could do to get free:


      1. Identify the cause: Try to figure out what’s driving those thoughts. Is it stress, anxiety, fear, anger or just boredom? Once you know the cause ask yourself what you need to deal with the underlying cause.
      1. Thought-busting: Once you know what’s driving your thoughts, it also helps to challenge them. Ask yourself, “Is this thought accurate?” and “Is this thought helpful?” If the answer is “no”, then it’s time to let it go!
      1. Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool for breaking free from the thinking loop. When you’re focused on the present moment, you’re less likely to get caught up in your thoughts. Try meditation, deep breathing, or a mindfulness app to help you cultivate a calm and collected state of mind.
      1. Get moving: Exercise is a great way to break free from the thinking loop. Plus, exercise releases feel-good chemicals in the brain that can help you feel better.
      1. Connect with others: Sometimes, all it takes to get unstuck from the thinking loop is a little human connection. Reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist and talk about what’s on your mind. When you share your thoughts, you can gain a fresh perspective and find new solutions.
      1. Journal: Writing(or drawing) your thoughts, why you have them, what you want to do with them and where you want to go with them is another great way to release the overthinking loop.
      1. Find a distraction: Sometimes, the best way to break free from the overthinking is to simply distract yourself. Pick up a new hobby, watch a movie, or read a book. Anything that takes your mind off your thoughts and lets you relax.

What else do you do to break out of the overthinking loop?

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