Creativity to burnout in 7 simple steps


When you have a strong, intrinsic drive to succeed you are willing to work tirelessly towards your goals.

But this can mean that you are constantly hovering on the brink of burnout.

Here’s how you can very easily go from creativity and high productivity to burnout:

  1. Overworking: Working long hours, neglecting their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  2. Lack of balance: Prioritizing work over other aspects of their life, especially self-care.
  3. Taking in too much: Getting distracted with new, exciting and interesting work and taking on more than you have time to handle.
  4. Ignoring warning signs: Brushing off fatigue, stress, and decreased creativity as trivial.
  5. Superman(or woman)complex: Where you believe burnout happens to others and you are invincible.
  6. Not asking for help: Because you believe you need to do it all yourself or no one else can do it well enough.

Here are some ways that you could keep a check on things:


  1. Set clear boundaries on how many things you can do without compromising your well-being. And let go of everything else no matter how exciting it seems.
  2. Schedule time for self-care- whatever that looks like for you. Time on the beach, a sport, sleep or hanging out with friends?
  3. Watch out for warning signs and have an accountability partner if needed to pull you away from burnout.
  4. Remind yourself that success is a marathon and not a sprint. Pacing yourself is what will get you there.
  5. Delegate: Learn to share work and ask for help when needed

What else could you do to prevent burnout?

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