High achievers are 20% more likely to experience burnout!

high achievers

Do you believe that only burnout only happens to the weak and weak-minded?


Fun Fact: High achievers are 20% more likely to experience burnout than average performers


And if you are wondering why? There are a bunch of reasons:


  1. High achievers tend to take on more responsibilities than average performers. They typically juggle 30% more work than other people.
  2. High achievers set very high standards for themselves. This means they use more focus and effort in getting the work done well as well as keeping their skills sharp.
  3. High achievers are often lonely because they don’t always find people who can be a mental match for them.


And if all of these are not reasons enough to court burnout, high achievers find it hard to take breaks and slow down.


This means they are often working long hours alone at high intensity without a break.



If you identify as a high achiever here’s what you need to know:

  1. Your career is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to pace yourself
  2. Not everything is a priority. Choose your key goals and learn to say no to everything else.
  3. Plan your breaks. Even formula one cars take a pit stop.
  4. Not everything needs to be done by you. Build and mentor a team you can delegate to.
  5. You don’t have to do everything alone. Learn to ask for help. Find your tribe who can support, mentor and help you find balance

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