My friend self-doubt


Self-doubt is your friend


Yes, you read that right!


But how can something that keeps you worried, makes you wonder if you are good enough or holds you back from reaching your full potential be a friend?


Because (surprisingly) our mind creates self-doubt to support our success.


And a fun fact: No matter how successful you get self-doubt will always be around


But when approached in the right way, instead of intimidating you self-doubt can actually serve as a valuable friend.


Here’s how:


  1. It keeps you humble:

High achievers often have a strong sense of self-assurance, but overconfidence can lead to blind spots and poor decision-making. Doubt can serve as a reminder to stay grounded and to seek out new information and perspectives, which can lead to better decision-making and improved outcomes.

  1. It motivates you to work harder:

When you doubt your abilities, they are more likely to work harder and push themselves to be better. This drive to improve can lead to personal growth and professional development.

  1. It helps you make informed decisions:

When you are plagued by self-doubt, you are more likely to take a step back and consider all the facts before making a decision. This can lead to more well-thought-out decisions, rather than impulsive or hasty choices.

  1. Increases self-awareness.

When you are faced with self-doubt, you are more likely to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. This self-reflection can lead to increased self-awareness and a better understanding of one’s own limitations.


So, self-doubt is not all bad

As long as you are able to strike a balance and not let it take over, you can turn self-doubt into a positive force that helps you to reach your full potential.

So how is self-doubt useful to you? How does it serve you?

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