Dealing with our “What Ifs”

What if

Our biggest fears are what I call our “What ifs”

“What if the investor/interviewer asks me a question I haven’t thought of?”

“What if my team can’t deliver within the timeline promised to the customer?”

Our “What ifs” are the ones we stress about the most.

They are also the ones that make us prepare (and over-prepare) to prevent those situations.

But you can only prepare so much.

And no matter how well prepared you are there will always be the unknown.

So here’s my simple solution to dealing with the What ifs

And that is to replace the “What if” with “If and when”

Instead of speculating, prepare for dealing with “What if”.

So if and when the investor asks you that question you don’t know the answer to how will you handle that situation?

And in spite of all your efforts if and when your team has a possibility of missing the deadline how will you handle the situation?

Because sometimes it is not what you know but how you plan to handle the unknown that seals the deal for you.

What are some of your “What ifs”?

What changes when you replace the “What if” with the “If and when”?

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