High achiever burnout


High achievers are always at a higher risk of burnout.


Think of any high achiever (or yourself if you are one).

They are frequently at the forefront of things, effortlessly juggling multiple responsibilities and contributing way more than the average person.

All this while making it look effortless.

But in reality most high achievers:

  1. Put constant pressure on themselves.
  2. Handle multiple things at the same time because doing an average amount of work almost seems like not doing enough.
  3. Many wear overwork as a badge of honour. So much so that many find it difficult to take time off or take a break.
  4. People around them expect them to do a lot more. And constant expectations can pile up over time especially if they are uncomfortable saying no.
  5. High achievers are often perfectionists. So they spend a lot more effort, energy and time over even some of the mundane and not critical tasks.
  6. Most high achievers also battle imposter syndrome where they constantly push themselves to do more and stay on top of their game.

And each one of these is a quick route to massive burnout.

I know I’ve been guilty of all or most of these at one time or the other.

But I’ve learned over time to build coping strategies around these and not let my need to achieve override my need for self-care.

Which of these resonate with you?

How do you take care of yourself so that you don’t burn out?

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