The core beliefs of high achievers

beliefs of high achievers

Our beliefs define who we are.

Our behaviours ( both conscious and subconscious) are a result of these beliefs

Sometimes these beliefs are useful and serve us by making us show up powerfully.

At other times they are less useful and get in the way of our success.

Often people ask me what is different about high achievers.

The beliefs of high achievers are different.

The ones that I feel are the most common beliefs of high achievers are:

1.  They believe in their capability. High achievers invariably believe that they can do well OR can learn to do well. They trust their ability to put in hard work and know that given time and effort they can master things. (They do suffer from self-doubt and even imposter syndrome sometimes but they keep going)

2.  They believe they are responsible for their success: They rarely expect things to come easy and believe that they need to make things happen. This causes them to be often highly action-oriented and focus on what they want.

3. They know failure is part of the journey: They are not necessarily comfortable with it but know that few failures do not define them. They know that some failure is bound to happen and thus tend to bounce back from failures more quickly

4. They believe in pushing their limits: They do not like to stay in their comfort zone and are constantly challenging themselves to aim for bigger and better things.

5. They believe in learning: High achievers believe in the value of learning. They may follow different means of learning(training, experience, relationships) but they are mindful of expanding their knowledge and experiences at all times

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