“Will I even make it?”
“The moment I think of quitting my job and starting my business this is the first question that comes to my mind.”
“And then I start thinking that if it doesn’t work out I may end up with nothing. And that just causes so much fear I don’t want to move ahead.”
I was working with this client who had a brilliant business idea. He wanted to start his business but he was also worried about the risks involved.
I said,” Have you ever tried answering this question? What if you answered it?”
He reflected for a few moments and said, ” I think I will. I have got to where I have by sheer hard work and my efforts. I don’t see why that won’t work in business. I have the right experience and skills. And I am not afraid of hard work.”
” I’m actually feeling relieved when I say that. Yes there is always a chance things could go wrong but I know it won’t be because of my lack of efforts!”
We all have that question that can push the strongest of us into a spiral of self-doubt.
“Am I capable of solving this?”, “Why should I even try?”, “What if things go wrong?”
The next time you have such a question in your mind try answering it.
You may be surprised by your answer!!
#leadershipcoaching #leadership #selfbelief #selfdoubt#optimisingexcellence